Cannabis Events

So, you’re planning on attending a Cannabis event this year, eh? Well, lucky for you you’ve stumbled across this page. Cannabis events can be incredibly fun, but a little preparation can go a long way for what you’ll be coming across on your journey through the world of Cannabis.

Cannabis event BostonFirst off, be sure to stay somewhere close by to the event. You don’t want to have to drive after one of these events. You will most likely be just as if not more stoned than you have ever been in your life and worry about driving in what is not most definitely unfamiliar territory is the last thing you should have to deal with. There will be plenty of people walking or biking anyways, it’s a good opportunity to make new friends.

You’re going to get hungry. There’s no questioning it, you will be walking around your event some time and the munchies will kick in. There’s a good chance there will be some food trucks and some state-fair esque food stands around. Just be sure you have cash on you or you have planned ahead. No one wants to be stuck wandering around, high, with the munchies. This is important.

Depending on the size of the event, it might be packed. What this means is there’s a good chance that the seating will be… limited. Wear comfortable shoes for sure. You will be walking a lot anyways, and especially if you’re a girl, don’t let fashion get in the way of your good time.

Plan it out. You’re probably going to get distracted a lot, but if you have a tight plant on what all you want to see and do you will have a better chance maintaining focus. There’s going to be music and all kinds of street acts you weren’t expecting, and they will distract you. Besides that, everyone’s out there trying to make friends. Keep on that schedule, see everything you want to see. You won’t regret it.

Bring a lot of Cannabis. I mean it’s not that unexpected that if you’re going to a Cannabis event you’re going to want to bring a lot of it, but beyond that make sure you have something portable. You won’t want to be carrying around your water pipe or dab rig all day, keep it simple and bring a comfortable amount. You’ll definitely end up sharing.

Take a break from time to time. If you get tired, head back to your hotel or wherever you’re staying if you need and take a nap. The event is still there and when you aren’t tired you’ll find the rest of the day much more enjoyable.

All in all you can have a lot of fun at these events. Make sure to take precautions, don’t do anything too silly, and always be prepared for the weird. Always remember, if you feel awkward in a situation that everyone else is stoned too. You’ll be in good company and for the most part everyone is there to make friends and join a community.